CASH is a supportive platform where members come together to carry out projects advancing our goals. The initiatives vary in scope and themes, some of them yet to be published here. We offer you a small selection, dive in to explore and share your ideas!
This research and training project is aimed at exploring how could more people benefit from the long term safety and affordability that housing co-ops provide.
We are seeking to set up a free online platform through which co-operative members and other SE London locals can offer and look for jobs, help and connections. In its first phase, the Co-ops Connect platform would only be available to housing/workers co- op members in order to establish a co-operative ethos, and it would be then opened up to all locals.
Shortly after we started CASH in 2019 we realised the need for a comprehensive expression of the CLT's vision. How were we going to create co-operative housing, work and social spaces in South-East London?
In June and July 2021, as part of the drive to reconnect people post pandemic, we ran a series of creative and mindful workshops to help women build confidence by coming out and meeting new people.
During a CLT Fete event in November 2021 hosted by Community Land Trust Network, CASH invited participants to a workshop session about the impact of pandemic on outreach and how CLTs can explore new ways of engaging communities.
Sun Housing Co-op is working towards building a mutual home ownership society (MHOS) in London. The development will include shared communal spaces and multipurpose work space, as well as private living spaces, and will be collectively owned, controlled and governed by tenant-members. It will aim to provide affordable housing for 10-12 people in London, therefore offering a much-needed intermediate housing product in an increasingly unaffordable city.